En esta cuarta entrevista converse con Adam Bien, quien ha escrito varios libros sobre JavaEE, acerca de su opinión sobre Java8
1.Could you tell us something about yourself
My name is Adam Bien (adam-bien.com), I'm a contractor / freelancer and so Singleton. I really like the Java Programming Language.Three times a year I'm delivering Java EE workshops at the MUCs Airport to an truly international audience -- http://airhacks.com
2. What has been your experience with Java?
I'm working with Java since 1995. I started implementing serverside Java with the JavaWebServer. On the client I started with Applets, AWT, then evaluated JFC, then Swing, first versions of JavaFX Script. Java remains exciting. I really like it.
3. How do you consider the new Java 8 release?
It is a really big deal. I used Java 8 for about one year. Since the last JavaOne Java 8 is really stable. I ran NetBeans and all my development on Java 8 daily builds.
Also Nashorn is exciting. It saved me already several hours of my time with the maintenance of my web sites: https://github.com/AdamBien/ spg
4. What do you think of lambda, stream?
I already removed JPA with JPA QL and replaced it with plain domain objects, an in memory-grid and Lambdas with streams.I think Java 8 will have a huge impact on Java EE architectures.
5. Do you know companies / developers who are migrating to Java8?
There is nothing to migrate :-). In some projects we just launched the server on Java 8.Other projects were started already last year on Java 8--just because of lambdas. If possible you should upgrade as fast as possible to Java 8.
6. What are the characteristics that should be added to or removed from the platform?
I really miss Jigsaw. Even more syntactic sugar would be nice, but I really like the direction Oracle's engineers are going with Java.
7- Recommendations
Stay passionated and enjoy hacking. Keep away from meetings, politics and the boring stuff :-)
Thank you for the interview!
Author of:
"Real World Java EE Night Hacks", "Real World Java EE Patterns--Rethinking Best Practices"