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Algunos anuncios importantes de JavaOne2007 is proud to announce the availability of NetBeans 6.0
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Preview release.
Here are some of the highlights:
  • Ruby/JRuby/Ruby on Rails Support
  • A Smarter and Faster Editor
  • Improved Swing Development (Swing Data Binding)
  • Integrated Profiling
  • Integrated Visual Design for Web Applications
  • New, Integrated UI for CLDC/MIDP and CDC Development
The final NetBeans IDE 6.0 release is planned for November 2007 however
you can now experience what it has to offer in the current stage of
development. As always, we welcome and encourage your feedback and
sharing of your
experience using the NetBeans IDE on our mailing lists
and in your blogs!

News from NetBeans Day San Francisco and JavaOne 2007

NetBeans Software Day 2007 in San Francisco in Review

What happens when 1000 NetBeans enthusiasts gather together in one

massive center? Take a look back at a successful NetBeans Day!

NetBeans Community Embraces Scripting with NetBeans IDE 6.0 Preview
Sun Microsystems, Inc. together with the NetBeans community, announced
the availability of the NetBeans 6.0 Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) Preview release
which extends support beyond Java and C/C++ by
providing a rich set of features for the Ruby and JavaScript dynamic
scripting languages, and continues to enable developer productivity
with ease-of-use and support for the latest Java standards.

JavaFX and NetBeans

JavaFX is a new family of Sun products based on Java technology and

targeted at the high impact, rich content market and is initially

comprised of JavaFX Script and JavaFX Mobile. Plug-ins are already

available through the Update Centers for both NetBeans 5.5 and NetBeans

6.0 Preview (Milestone 9).

Rich Client Programming: Plugging into the NetBeans Platform
This book provides a conceptual overview of the NetBeans Platform and a
practical guide to creating IDE modules and rich-client applications
based on the platform. Have a look at a sample chapter and the table of
contents. You can order it from Safari or Amazon.

NetBeans Magazine Issue 3, May 2007
To commemorate the largest NetBeans Day ever, the NetBeans community
has put together a special issue of NetBeans Magazine with a whopping
84 pages of in-depth technical articles. Issue Three showcases the
flexibility and versatility of the IDE and Platform, and the upcoming
features in NetBeans 6.0. You can view the magazine as a whole or as
individual articles. And now you're also able to access simplified HTML
versions of each article, or get the full visual experience from the

A developer orders a NetBeans CD. The post office fails in getting it
to the developer. We send two guys on the road to hand-deliver it!
Experience the misadventures that takes our wacky guys to three
countries meeting NB developers along the way. Watch the trailer that
was played at NetBeans Software Day or follow their trip entry by
entry from the road. What's next? Your video! - Take part in a video,
photo and text competition to win prizes and have Micah & Martin come
to your town with their camera bearing gifts. Get your 15 minutes of fame!


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