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New and Noteworthy in NetBeans 6.0 Milestone 9

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NetBeans 6.0 Milestone ya esta disponible con muchas mejores, principalmente en el editor,
entre estos tenemos :

JavaScript Editor Support

Syntax (Semantic) Coloring

Visual Web

  • Completion of web project unification work.
  • Services Tab: D & D consumption of web services in visual web apps
  • Table component design time enhancements for generic type properties (including JPA classes)
  • Ability to add help sets, create i18n-ed palette categories to component libraries for Visual Web.
  • Visual query editor migrated to the new graph library
  • Visual Web Refactoring Support (except full package rename)
  • Integation of Woodstock 4.1 Build 3 which inclues the following Client Side Renderers. Image, StaticText, Label, Button, Hyperlink, TextField, Alert, HiddenField, TextArea, Listbox, Dropdown, Radiobutton, Checkbox. All the input components are also Ajax enabled.
  • Input components from woodstock library are no longer resizable during design time using resize handles. Resizing should be done via attributes on the components.
  • Bundled JSF binaries migrated to JSF 1.2_04 P01
  • Table component design time enhancements for generic type properties (including JPA classes)
  • Ability to add help sets, create i18n-ed palette categories to component libraries for Visual Web.
  • Visual query editor migrated to use new graph library.
  • Refactor visualweb getConnection to use NetBeans connections
  • Seamless migration of Creator 2 and 5.5 projects that contain data sources
  • Datasources can be resolved per project which permits multi-user project development

The following visual web features will NOT make it into M9:

  • Visual Portlet Builder
  • Visual Data Binding for EJBs

Importante votar por la inclusión de tomcat desde aqui


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