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NetBeans 6.0 M10

Ya esta disponible para descargas NetBeans 6.0 M10.
Entre las caracteristicas que trae:
NetBeans ide 6.0 Milestone 10 Information
NetBeans Donwload
Swing Database Applications. Taking advantage of Beans Binding technology (JSR 295) and the Java Persistence API, it is now easier than ever to create Swing desktop database applications

Smarter code completion. The NetBeans editor is quicker and smarter, providing completions for keywords, fields, and variables. It also lists the most logical options at the top, and lets you dig down into the full options at the bottom


  • Template based code generation now available and customizable. UML now provides template based code generation for Forward Engineering. The new code generation approach uses FreeMarker templates, which allow users to customize how code is generated by simply modifying the templates used. Users can enhance code generation by adding new code generation templates using the Domain Templates panel in the UML Options window.

Easier Installation and Upgrading

  • Unified installation experience. The new NetBeans installer makes it easier to get the functionality that you want. No more downloading and installing separate packs. Now you choose from one of our three bundles - basic, standard, and full - and install the features and runtimes you need in one installer. You can add functionality later by re-running the installer.


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