El Milestone 2 de NetBeans 7.0 esta disponible para su descarga.
En este enlace puedes descargar el M2
Las caracteristicas
En este enlace puedes descargar el M2
Las caracteristicas
- Java
- Support for Maven 3
- JUnit 4.8.2 integration and various JUnit improvements
- Remote HTTP URLs supported for Javadoc in libraries and Java platforms
- New improved visual customizer for GridBagLayout
- Java EE
- Improved support for CDI, REST services and Java Persistence; new support for Bean Validation
- Support for JSF component libraries, including bundled PrimeFaces library
- Improved editing for Expression Language in JSF, including code completion, refactoring and hints
- GlassFish
- GlassFish 3.1 Support
- Domain restart and log viewer for remote GlassFish
- Enable and disable deployed applications
- WebLogic Application Server
- Streamlined and faster deployment to WebLogic
- New server runtime node displaying deployed applications and resources
- JSF integration with server libraries
- Platform
- Less intrusive checking for external changes when switching between the IDE and other programs
- Editor
- Word wrap
- Show invisible characters
- HTML 5 support
- Generate PhpDoc
- Rename refactoring, Safe Delete Refactoring